2024-05-29 11:48:47|已浏览:109次
穿搭丨男生春季公式化穿搭,回头率蹭蹭蹭~ 看鞋识男人:你最喜欢男生穿哪种鞋?,
下面给大家讲解“穿搭丨男生春季公式化穿搭,回头率蹭蹭蹭~ 看鞋识男人:你最喜欢男生穿哪种鞋?”的知识,本站信息仅供大家参考哦!
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穿搭丨男生春季公式化穿搭,回头率蹭蹭蹭~ 看鞋识男人:你最喜欢男生穿哪种鞋?,
穿搭丨男生春季公式化穿搭,回头率蹭蹭蹭~ 欢迎投稿、爆料 请联系QQ:16153813 对于想在社会上混出一片天的男士来讲,穿衣打扮,显得尤其重要。然而,男人却总是忽略这方面。等到有事的时候,就随意一穿衣,一搭配就出门了。但在正式的场合里,却给人留下了不好的印象。作为紧追时尚潮流的街头达人,怎能错过经典的条纹衬衫穿搭。 白色T恤?土橘色针织外套?牛仔裤 这套就是给人一种深秋里暖暖的感觉,颜色搭配很舒服~ 竖条纹衬衫?v领针织外套?牛仔裤 衬衣+针织衫是一个很棒的搭配,能让整体更有层次感。 白色T恤?黑色针织开衫?黑色直筒裤 整体是黑色主调,黑白的搭配永远不会出错~ 白衬衫?针织背心?牛仔裤 很学院风的一个搭配,我自己会偏向这个风格,看起来很清爽~ 白色高领?拼色针织外套?牛仔裤 男生穿白色的衣服挺吸引我的,阳光少年的赶脚~ 灰色卫衣?牛仔外套?黑裤子 其实卫衣+牛仔外套是很常见的搭配 不知道怎么搭配的小哥哥都可以这么穿哦,不要在意那么多,大胆尝试~ 女人看包,男人看鞋。 虽说不知道这句话有多少代表性,但从炒鞋的火热程度也能看出有些男孩儿得有多爱篮球鞋。 旁人看了还不理解:“这都啥呀,一个球鞋能玩儿出这么多花儿?还炒出几千上万?” 这不,马上有人出来辩护:“我们不懂口红色号,你也不懂球鞋啊!” 商品被打上了社会标签。 穿某种鞋,会传递并被人解读出不同的社会意涵:性别、年龄、收入、亚文化爱好、甚至性向等。 今天,我们搜集了一些常见的鞋与外网网友总结的它们被人解读出的信息,来看看这些特征符合你的判断吗? 1、篮球鞋 ▌代表品牌或系列:Air Jordan系列 The guy in the retros (Jordan 1–14), knows a little something about sneakers and fashion. If you have a grown man that can afford sneakers with prices ranging from $190 to $600 a pair, but they don't have a car, you may need to reevaluate your situation. Ten of these sneakers cost the same as a Honda car. There is no reason for that type of foolishness in your life. 穿复古款(如AJ1-14)的男生还是比较潮的。但你要是碰上个成年男性,买了很多1400-4000块之间的运动鞋但是却还没有车,那你就得好好想想了。十双这种鞋加起来可能就抵得上一辆本田汽车了。找这种人做伴侣还是得担心他败家啊。 Once they start wearing exclusives like the collabs with Undefeated, Supreme and DJ Khaled, you might be on to something. Not only do these have a higher price point, they are harder to get. The guy that wears these will have a more exclusive lifestyle. 要是对方穿的是AJ和Undefeated, Supreme,或者DJ Khaled联名的限量版,你可能遇到有钱人了。这种鞋不仅价格贵,而且还很难买到。穿这种鞋的人生活过得一般也不朴素。 Men who wear Jordans like to play basketball, even if they are not good players. Wearing a pair of Jordans somehow bestows a natural athletic gift upon them. Normally, sneakerheads are into Hip Hop culture as well, with dudes rapping in their Beats all day long. 穿AJ的男生一般都喜欢打篮球,哪怕打得不咋地。就好像穿一双AJ在球场上就能更神勇一样。潮鞋爱好者们通常也喜欢嘻哈文化,耳朵里塞着的也是说唱音乐。 2、板鞋 ▌代表品牌或系列:Nike Air Force 1 Nike is a huge sneaker company that has been at the top of the game for a while now. They are known for spending millions on their ads, but there is one shoe that would continue to make sales with little to no advertising. The Air Force 1 has been an urban fashion staple for years. This is the shoe for the summer. 耐克公司体量巨大,在运动鞋领域也是首屈一指。世人都知道他们公司在广告上一花就是好几百万,但是他们有一款鞋根本不用打广告也卖得很好。空军一号就是城市潮流的必备款,也是夏日必选板鞋。 Guys who wear Nike Air Force 1 keep a relatively low profile than their Air Jordan counterparts. They might be basketball lovers, but not necessarily rap music ones. A lot of guys who like Air Force 1 are simply attracted by its clean white look and versatility, because you can literally wear anything with it and not look lame. 穿空军一号的一般比穿AJ的要低调些。他们可能喜欢打篮球,但不一定喜欢说唱音乐。很多喜欢空军一号的男生单纯就是被它干净的白色设计和百搭属性吸引了,因为你基本上可以穿任何裤子衣服和它搭配。 3、休闲鞋 ▌代表品牌或系列:New Balance/ Saucony/K-Swiss These are the "was dope back in the day, but not so much now" shoes. The guy who wears one of these is still living in the past and they just won't let go. 新百伦等这样的休闲鞋就是那种“曾经挺潮但现在也就还好”的鞋类。穿这种鞋的人还活在过去,不愿放手。 You try to give him the hint that he is way too old for you by continuing to call him "sir" and say how much he reminds you of your granddad. He normally tucks in everything. T-shirts, tank tops, button ups—you name it. 你会对穿这种鞋的人报以“先生”这样的称呼,暗示你俩不合适,明示对方他让你想起了你的爷爷。这种人一般会把所有上衣扎进裤子里,比如T恤、背心、衬衫等等。 One thing worth noting is that young guys in rich countries have pretty much outgrown these shoes and consider them something mid-aged guys would wear to buy groceries. In the developing world, urban young men have been catching up with this trend. And interestingly, because of its "not-so-aggressive" look, men who wear them are often guys who don't play competitive sports, like basketball and football. They are sometimes considered to be "too decent to be straight". Not that straight guys aren't gentle, lol. 还有就是发达国家的年轻男生基本上都不穿这些鞋了,而且觉得这种鞋是中年人穿去买菜的鞋。但在发展中的地区,城里的年轻男性却在慢慢开始买这些鞋。而且很有趣的是,因为这种鞋外形设计“没多少攻击性”,爱穿这种鞋的男生一般都不会参与有很强对抗性的运动,比方说篮球和足球。有人觉得这种鞋子看起来就是“太体面,一点都不直男”,倒不是说直男不体面或者不温柔,哈哈哈哈。 4、小白鞋 ▌代表品牌或系列:Adidas Stan Smiths This is the "Classic Man". Not like the New Balance guy. He's younger, but has that nostalgic swag. He is not afraid to try different styles or play with colors and patterns. This is the guy that will wear one romper and make you rethink the whole thing because he actually looks good in it. 小白鞋就是很经典的款,跟新百伦那种款还不一样,小白鞋更年轻一些,但是也有那股子怀旧劲儿。穿小白鞋的人一般也不拒绝其他款式,也会尝试多彩和花样。这种男人就算穿背带裤,也会让你觉得“诶,也不难看嘛”。 The Stan Smith has growing popularity among urban men with its low top design, with which you should wear invisible socks to (supposedly) show your ankles. Not that it's true, but ankles are said to be sexy symbols of a man, which he can safely show without being afraid of being reproached by social gender norms. 因为低帮的设计,小白鞋在城市男性中打开了市场,他们可以穿个船袜,露出脚踝。倒不是说真有此事,但是一般认为脚踝是男性可以安全露出展示性感同时却不用害怕被社会性别规训所不容的部位。 And also, the green label at the back of the shoes is the iconic design. It seems people are crazy about green nowadays, greenhair, green salads, green cars, greenhouse effect, you name it. (Kidding) 还有,鞋子背后的绿标也是标志性的设计。貌似人们很喜欢绿啊,绿头发、绿色沙拉、新能源车、温室效应等等(开玩笑的)。 5、跑步鞋 ▌代表品牌或系列:Adidas NMDs / Asics / Nike Air Max 90s These are a cool casual shoe for just about anyone, but really for the guy that doesn't really wear sneakers. This guy's been on his suit and tie game so long and realized that the oxfords don't do well at the cookout, so these are his go-to. Especially because they go well with his ankle cut pants or joggers. If he's really bad and boujee, he will be in Yeezys though. 跑步鞋就是谁都可以穿的休闲鞋啦,但一般从来不穿运动鞋的人最喜欢穿跑鞋。这种男人整天西装领带,直到有天意识到去野外烧烤穿牛津鞋并不合适,才会选择跑步鞋,再加上跑步鞋跟九分裤也好运动裤也罢都很搭。要是他过分酷拽,估计就会穿椰子鞋了。 Men who wear runners are either jogging aficionados or those who just don't know what to wear other than his professional footwear. 穿跑鞋的男人要不就是跑步狂魔,不然就是除了正装鞋类就不知道穿啥的人。 成熟男人都该有块好手表,篮球boy都该有双好鞋,商务男都该有辆好车。你看,别说女人了,消费主义把男人也裹挟上了天。 现实中其实也没有那么多吸睛的装扮,很多女孩儿背的都是帆布包,很多男孩儿穿的也就是普通运动鞋。大家都忙着呢,哪来那么多blingbling。 Notes sneaker/?sni?k?r/ n.运动鞋;便鞋 bestow/b??sto?/v.给予;授予;献给 staple/?ste?pl/adj.主要的;基本的;重要的 jogger/?d??ɡ?(r)/n.(柔软宽松、腰间有松紧带的)运动裤;运动短裤 boujee adj.生活奢华,性格却谦逊的 aficionado/??f????nɑ?do?/n.酷爱……的人;迷 suede/swe?d/n.绒面革;麂皮 succumb/s??k?m/v.屈服;屈从;抵挡不住(攻击、疾病、诱惑等) judgemental/d??d??mentl/adj.轻率评价的;动辄评头论足的;动辄指责人的 编辑:唐晓敏 来源:Blavity、Huffpost 来源:中国日报网